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4 Smiling Faces

 It is with great joy that we announce the collaboration between 4 Smiling Faces Foundation and Plant N Boom! 🤝

4 Smiling Faces helps of vulnerable children in Nepal, and committed to a greener future and reducing climate change by offsetting 5 tons of CO2e. They did this by planting 10 trees in Plant N Boom's CO2 offset project in Sierra Leone.

This valued contribution goes beyond simply reducing our global carbon footprint. It also contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by supporting local farmers.

Together, we are taking steps toward a more sustainable and greener planet. Let's continue to work together and build a world where nature thrives and communities flourish. 🌍🌱

#4SmilingFaces #PlantNTree #ClimateChange #SustainableDevelopment #TogetherTogether #stayHealthy #doeslief #caregoodForYourself #caregoodforEachother