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Gift a tree

Offer price$11.00

Give a special and valuable gift.

We plant a Yemani tree (Gmelina arborea) for the person to whom you give the gift. After you have completed the order, you can specify to whom we may send the certificate and the tree codes.

Yemani is a fast growing large deciduous tree with a wide spreading foliage with numerous branches that form a large shady crown. It can grow 3 to 30 meters long and sometimes even longer.

  • Yemani tree (Gmelina arborea)
  • Age: 0 years
  • Zone: Mahogany, Makombeh village, Sierra Leone

See your tree on the website. There you can see the location and CO2 compensation of your tree.

Gift a tree
Gift a tree Offer price$11.00