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CO2 Compensation

tonnes of CO2 offset

Forest Protection

hectares of forest protected

Total Trees Planted

total number of trees planted

The DM Office

Collaboration between Plant N Tree and The DM Bureau: From Carbon Neutral to Green Impact

The DM Bureau is all about successful Direct Mail campaigns with a focus on personalization and effectiveness. With an eye for individual needs, they create customized mail packs and leaflets. In addition, they offer comprehensive data support and production services. Their years of experience result in innovative concepts that fit seamlessly with your communication strategy.

The Green Impact: CO2 Neutrality The DM Bureau has taken an important step toward a greener future. They have made a whopping 65 tonnes of CO2 offset by having 130 trees planted through Plant N Tree in Sierra Leone. This impressive contribution goes beyond just reducing their carbon footprint; it also supports local farmers and contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Together with The DM Bureau, we are building a world where sustainability and green impact go hand in hand. Let's celebrate this collaboration and continue to strive for a better planet for us all. 🌍🌱

#TheDMBureau #PlantNBoom #CO2Neutral #Sustainability #GreenImpact #TogetherStrong