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Why plant trees

Woman pruning tree

When you plant a tree, you start a chain reaction of positive effects. Trees store carbon dioxide and convert it into oxygen, which is essential for life on Earth. Year after year, they continue to absorb CO2, which helps neutralize your personal contribution to greenhouse gases. This includes emissions from your daily activities such as energy consumption, travel, food and general consumption.

Planting trees has other benefits as well:

  • Improving air quality: Trees filter pollutants and provide us with cleaner air.
  • Support biodiversity: New forests provide habitats for numerous animal and plant species.
  • Strengthening local communities: Especially in rural areas, trees contribute to economic stability by providing resources and employment opportunities.

While it may seem that a single tree makes only a small contribution, the effect of many trees together is immense. Like drops of water working together to cool a hot plate, our combined efforts to plant trees can slow and eventually reverse global warming.